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The Journey of a Artist Season 1# Episode #4 Mark The Artist MAWH.TV original

Updated: Jan 20, 2023

Movie actor/director Landon Brooks with MAWH PRODUCTIONS spoke with Mark Harris, A emerging Artist. As we dive into Mark the Artist we find that his passion and creativity stems from the very essence of who he is. Many people from around the world appreciate the contributions that Mark Harris has brought to the arts. Mark began to accept the calling to the arts from a force within himself. The evidence of Mother Nature herself spoke to Mark a language of love, peace, and happiness. When asked Mark said "I never saw myself as a artist. It was not until other people started to reference to me as a artist did I realize, that I was a true artist. From then on I was excepted into a different world. This is who I am. I still take care of my cats and other animals but my passion is in the arts."

"I want to be remembered in the arts. I don't want to be remembered as the old man piddling around in his backyard in his underwear," Mark said. Allowing his true personality to shine through the interview. When asked how does a vision become a piece of art? Mark took a long deep breath and said: "I envision it. I see the finished product and then I work in reverse to achieve the vision. It does not always work out that way. Sometimes the wood begins to direct me in a different path. Allowing the wood to merge with the creative vision makes a True work of art. When I walk through the woods of falling trees. I can hear the whispers from the wood."

Landon Brooks has been chosen to manage MAWH PRODUCTIONS planning to open Spring 2023 in Alabama. The exact location has not been released. Open casting calls will begin June 4, 2023. If you or someone you know is interested please fill out the Artists development form on WWW.MAWH.TV form to reserve your Spot. When I ask Brooks said you can expect a variety from MAWH.TV like reality tv, documentaries, music videos, cooking channels, developmental training videos, and more. Outside of that Brooks said, "MAWH.TV is not only an online TV Network it is also a social media platform for all creatives. Unlike other social media platforms offers a safe and positive platform for purpose. MAWH.TV is set to be the leading social media platform for young creatives by the end of 2032. Now is the time for people to get on board said Brooks. It's sad that creatives around the world have to go outside of their own city to be recognized. I believe if cities would nurture their own talent, it's would be a huge win for that particular city and that hometown artist. There are so many creative individuals in different cities that are starving to express themselves. will be a creative hub for the Southeast United States.

Director: Landon Brooks

Producer: Dealové

Executive producer: Tia Brooks

Music: Apply now

Costume: Apply now

Hair and make up: Apply now



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