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Giving Back One cut at a time.

The Calhoun County Career Academy volunteers there time and talents to local residents in need. "It feels like I'm a different person ." I thank them for volunteering their services. Says Wyman Jack Wells from Calhoun County. Who is currently homeless and in need of help. This is a growing problem that can be fixed through everyone doing their part." It's important to make everyone feel equal appreciated and valued . My experience with Calhoun County career Academy has been very inspiring .says Cosmetolgy student Kamorah Ani-osadebe. This experience volunteering my time and talent has opened my eyes of the growing problem of homelessness in this area

"My instructors make us feel like we have purpose and i can share my gift." For more information you can contact Brittni Marable, MSW Case Manager 256-237-1472.

There is a quite a number of students in high school who have an interest in the field cosmetology this is why they are a numerous high School programs around the state available to provide cosmetology training in high school when you obtain such training, it gives you upper hand because you will possess and marketable skill by the time you graduate You can obtain obtain a license and be ready for the work force. For more information Contact sherry Laster 256-282-1853

This event is sponsored by The Housing Coalition of Northeast Alabama.



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