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Visually impaired author Anthere L. Motayne Gives a look inside her book Falcons' Justice MAWH.TV

When I was born, the doctor told my mother that I was born with cataracts. My mother researched and found a doctor that was willing to take my case at about three months old. I underwent surgery to try to fix the vision impairment. After the surgery, the doctor told my mother that I would still need to wear glasses and my vision would be impaired the rest of my life. The doctor told my mother that as I got older, my vision would continue to decline. In school, I had to wear powerful glasses to be able to make out the world around me. I was bullied and made fun of in school because how thick the lenses were on my glasses, but it was the only way that I was able to connect with the outside world, my siblings were very protective of me and if they found out, someone was making fun of me, they would rough them up . I did not let this stop me from wanting to live a normal life just like all of my peers. I found a passion for writing.

I did not let my vision impairment. Stop me. My imagination was much greater than my disability. Growing up, I always wrote short stories. over the years. My mother kept all the stories that I wrote. After finding my way through high school, I continueed my education in psychology after graduating. My professor strongly encouraged me to find work in another field, due to my high emotion when doing my internship at the hospital seeing people die made me become very emotional. I took what the professor told me to heart and I pursued a career in business. After 30 years of working the slight vision that I had begin to deteriorate, and the doctor recommended that it was time for me to file for disability. I was depressed for a while but I found joy in writing , still trying to overcome the devastating news. I just begin to write. It was challenging because of my vision impairmen. When I would get into my creative zones, not being able to see was very frustrating. The strain of trying to get the information as it poured into was one of the most frustrating parts to me, but I did not let this stop me. I found creative ways to overcome the frustrations. In 2011, I published my first book entitled. Familiar Reunite. In 2019, I begin to writ Falcons justice.

I want to leave a legacy for my family, and inspire the younger generations that no matter what your challenges are, you can achieve anything in life, regardless of your current circumstances. My lifelong dream is to turn Falcons Justice into a movie. After so many years, this dream is finally coming true. I am in the early stages of producing the movie Falcons Justice. Many people cannot see me being able to do this, but my mother always told me “ follow your dreams, you can see what you need to see.” And in some of my darkest days, I can hear my mother‘s voice follow your dreams, even when I can’t see the path before me , I continue to follow my dreams.

Book overview

Falcon is an intriguing man. He is a seeker of justice, and not afraid of anyone or anything. After Falcon came out of the U.S. Marines, he applied to the C.I.A. Central Intelligence Agency. He still works for the agency periodically. Falcon believes in substantial justice. He equates justice with helping people who cannot help themselves and bringing harm to wrongdoers by any means necessary. His career as a vigilante/bodyguard earns him a great deal of respect, even from most of his enemies. Unlike most hitmen, he only kills people who deserve to die. Above all, Falcons' primary goal is to protect his family.


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